Monday, September 28, 2009


I've just finished my daily ritual of listening to Level 2 of Holosync Technologies - The Dive, immediately followed by an mp3 of "Healing Yourself" and "Creating An Abundance Of Money" by John Kehoe.

I've spent the past 3 months listening to Holosync's 1st Level, and I've just recently gotten the 2nd Level. I am really enjoying listening to - The Dive, and using it for both meditation and visualization of my goals.

I find that it really helps to calm my mind, and put me into a flow state for visualizing. I've been using it as a precursor for listening to John Kehoe's MIND POWER Audio's.

I highly recommend checking them out. I will be tracking my results on my Blog in regards to the results that I get from both Holosync and the MIND POWER Audio's so you can figure out if it is something of interest for you over the long term (and if they actually create the desired results.)

All the Best,


1 comment:

Sanmay Patel said...

very nice article... keep it up. i will be back for more information. pls visit my blog