Sunday, July 09, 2006

The Trailer is in the works. . .

I've completed about 90% of the BECOMING MAGNUM TRAILER. I've got 1 final shot that I need to get. I made a phone call on Friday and now I have to find the exact make of the Ferrari that I want to use, and then I have to let me Contact know which Model I want to use. He'll then call his contact at the FERRARI/MASERRATI DEALERSHIP and find out if we can get the car we want.

On Friday, I also managed to find TOM SELLECK'S AGENT'S phone number. I called her up, and got her MAILING ADDRESS. Once I've finished the TRAILER I'm going to Mail her a copy.

I went to a Party on Friday night. My friend Benjamin told me to make sure that I brought a Copy of the DVD TRAILER with me. He's going to pass it on to a PRODUCER, who is on their way to L.A. (He told me that this Producer is really good at FINDING MONEY.) He also mentioned that he knows another PRODUCER that he's going to want to pass a copy of the DVD TRAILER to.

I had a meeting with a COACH yesterday, and my next assignment for this week is to put together a Business Plan, and a One Sheet, that I can use to attract SPONSORSHIP and FINANCING.

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