Monday, January 18, 2010

Some of the craziest ideas...with a whopping of Gratefulness!

I had an interesting thing happen at work last night. Myfanwy, an actress friend who I haven't seen in the longest time stopped by the Club last night. It was her father, Bill Meilen who suggested to me that I take an Acting Class. My first acting class was an Improv Acting Class with Jan Henderson who really sparked my love for creating.

When I was driving home from work last night, a Red Ferrari passed me and I got to follow it for about 2 minutes before I lost sight of it.

Which made me think of MY PERFECT DAY - a Laua on the Beach in Hawaii following the 1st Day of Shooting the "Magnum, P.I." Movie with Tom Selleck, the original cast Roger Mosley, Larry Manetti, and John Hillerman along with David Attar and Duane Patterson and having Matthew Harrison on Set Coaching me and working with Rawson Marshall Thurber and Brian Grazer and having my close friends and family and the crew hanging out together celebrating the Achievement of a Dream Come True.

I'm in the process of organizing a BENEFIT CONCERT and MASQUERADE AFTER PARTY Fundraiser to help me raise money to finance the completion of Webisode #1 & #2 of BECOMING MAGNUM and to pay for a "Viral Video" that I'd like to create to promote the "Reality" Web Series.

I've had a major opportunity present itself and I'd really like to jump all over it, but I have Liz Levine's and Jeb Beach's voices in the back of my head reminding me to be conscious of other people's Brand's as well as my own.

I have a deal with the owner of The Cecil, where I work Part-Time as a Doorman, to get a percentage from Ticket Sales and Alcohol Sales from the Event, which I will be using to finance BECOMING MAGNUM. I intend on shooting the rest of the footage for Webisode #1 & #2 for BECOMING MAGNUM with the iPhone and the Owle Bubo and I have to pay my Editor to cut together the footage that CTV's Development Funding Money paid for and pay for my friend Joe Docherty to score both Webisodes.

I'm playing around with some different ideas in my mind about what to do to sell Tickets to the Event and to raise completion money to finish both Webisodes.

I've worked in the Security Field for the past 16 years and I've worked a lot of BIG Concerts and Events, and I'm thinking about inviting the Military Personnel, Police Officers, and Olympic Security Personnel who are going to be working at the Olympics to the Party.

Throw a Benefit Concert to Thank Them for their hard work before the Olympics begin. I'm also thinking about inviting Mr. Selleck out to the Event, but first I'm going to have to introduce myself and find out how I can best help him achieve his goals for his campaign of being in the "Magnum, P.I." Movie.

After all, Thomas, Rick, and TC were all former Navy Seals so it would only be appropriate to invite them.

I'm thinking about Giving Away the Tickets to the Event and having people make contributions through Alcohol Sales and by having them make a donation based on a Video Pitch that I'm in the process of putting together to share my dreams and aspirations for BECOMING MAGNUM, WHY I started it, how the process all came together.

I have 2 Numbers in mind that I'd like to achieve. The first number is to finish Webisodes 1 & 2, and the 2nd Number is to finance an entire 12 months of filming for "Becoming Magnum."

Giving Away Tickets is quite the gamble because if people don't show up and/or think my Concept for BECOMING MAGNUM is very good, then I'm not going to be able to raise money, but I'll instead be out a bit of money.

But I believe my ideas are sound, and that their is a Market and an audience for BECOMING MAGNUM, and that it is possible for Tom Selleck and I to work together and help each other get cast in the "Magnum, P.I." Movie.

An excerpt from an Exclusive Interview with Rawson Marshall Thurber, Writer/Director of the "Magnum, P.I." Movie:

In terms of timeline, the film is, essentially, a genesis story. It’s Magnum Begins. When we meet Magnum, he’s not yet a private investigator, but by the time the story ends, he’s hung up his shingle. I’m working through a first draft now, and it’s been so much fun — currently Magnum and TC are bickering in a sugar cane field that’s been lit ablaze by the bad guys. It’s going to be an unapologetically great action movie. That’s a promise.


I've also had a chance to reflect on what "Becoming Magnum" has come to mean to me, and what it really represents, and how far I've come in the process.

I'm incredibly grateful for so many events that have happened in the past 6 months after I read "As A Man Thinketh." I immediately read Cynthia Kersey's "UNSTOPPABLE," and was incredibly touched by the story of Father & Son Team Richard and Dick Hoyt and how together they achieved the impossible, to John Kehoe's "MIND POWERS into the 21st Century," along with the Holosync CD's, Darren Jacklin for his advice and sharing his wisdom and his advice on Manfesting, as amazing things keep happening, and to all of the amazing and incredible people I've gotten to meet, and who have given me their advice

And for all of the people who have been their with me from the very beginning, my brother Kevin, my mom and dad and their patience, generosity, and support. The Bennett's, Camarta's, and the Robin's families, Mark & Laverne McAthy, my friend's James and Jen, Will, Sammy, my Granville Barwatch Street Team, and everyone I worked with at G. Security especially Dany Rosales and the Tactical Team, my classmates at VFS Class 11, Andrew Spicer, Paula Shaw and the amazing lessons she taught me through the power of THE MAX, Benjamin Easterday and his willingness and enthusiasm for wearing the "STOP Ben Affleck from BECOMING MAGNUM" T-Shirt to work (as a Transport Driver in the Film Industry), Susanne and Marian, Jerry Jean-Baptiste, Malcom Carter, Guj, Coreena Robertson, Andrew Halliwell, Cameron Grierson, Rob Nielson, Matthew Harrison, Jeb Beach, David Attar, Duane Patterson, Ken Craw & Michael Hamilton who helped me get the Development Deal with CTV, my Personal Trainer Ocean Bloom, my Chiropracter Dr. Christian Guenette, my Nutrition Expert Brad King and his wife and publicist Renee Neilly, my friend and Publicist Debbie Walker, Film Security: Than, Wayne, Boris, Dale, Gordon, Transport Captain's Karver, Schmitke, Ray, and everyone else at Insight Films and through ACFC, and all of my friends at The Yale & The Cecil.

To all my Private Investigator friends particularly AFI for giving me my Private Investigators License and letting me have one of the coolest jobs ever - Undercover P.I. with Mike H. , Riitta for training me along with Allison, John/Rosebud, Honeyman, Tracy, Scott, Tom Dolo and his crew of PI's for providing me with actual P.I. Case Files to work, Dave Coleman/Aremac Surveillance, York, and Neil/Missing Link.

I can't forget the influential teachers in my life, Mr. Southworth, Mrs. Susan Svarich, Mr. Jereniuk, Mr. Elniski, Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Bob Dean, Mr. Bererton, Ian Raffel, Katherine Billings, Bill Marchant, Debra Thorne, Douglas Newell, Cara McDowell, Michael Chase, Tom Scholte, Jason Simpson, Andrew Moxham, and everyone else at VFS.

And of course Director Steve DiMarco who gave me my 1st professional Acting Role on The Chris Isaak Show along with Tony Cain, David Owens, and Ken Morton, all of whom cast me in their Stage Plays.

Thank You everyone for the part you've played in being an inspiration to me, and to helping me create and develop "Becoming Magnum."

Wishing Everyone an Awesome 2010!


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