Monday, May 03, 2010

Right place, right time...

What an awesome turn of events coming out of the weekend!

I'm currently in the process of cutting together (editing) the 1st Episode of BECOMING MAGNUM.

I organized the rough cut for my Editor on Thursday night, and I'm getting really excited about how it is looking.

I'm planning on doing a Test Screening of it on Wed May 19th, but I ran into a snag last week.

I need to find some more money so I can pay a Composer to SCORE the Episode...

Then, out of the blue, my old friend Bob Epp and his girlfriend Christine show up at the Bar that I work at.

I was talking with Bob about doing Music for BECOMING MAGNUM two years ago, and then we sort of lost touch with each other.

I went over to his place after work, where he played 14 different variations of the MAGNUM P.I. Theme Song that he's created, and I found the perfect modern MAGNUM P.I. Theme Song for BECOMING MAGNUM.

I mentioned my current situation to Bob, about how I'm intending on doing a Test Screening on the 19th, and I need to get the Episode Scored. He said he is more than willing to help out.

He's got a very demanding job/work load, but he will do what he can, which certainly fits in with my current budget of ZERO DOLLARS.

He gave me a copy of the New THEME SONG which I'm going to be taking over to my editors later today.

On a different buddy Brendon mentioned to me last night that I should talk to his friend who is a Personal Trainer at Studeo 55 (where the Elite and A-List Celebs work out) here in Vancouver.

I've gotta say, I'm really glad I took Gary Goldstein's "Scaling The Great Wall of Hollywood" Course recently, as things are beginning to open up and move BECOMING MAGNUM forward.

All the best,


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